Well, yesterday we did some errands in Quito to prep. This time, unlike last summer, we found our way back to the house and didn't get lost. I have Quito pretty well figured out with the exception of a few neighborhoods yet. We stopped by Hotel Alston to verify the reservations and make reservations for an additional night. I have to still determine room assignments, but I'm doing it randomly so it will not be so bad. We then worked on reservations for our meals and were going to pick-up the paint chips, but my nap went later than expected so it didn't happen. Why a nap you ask? We all took naps because we could barely sleep after being up for 22+ hours and we only lied down with sporadic sleep for 4 hours or so because I had to wake at 6am to go get the tickets for our bus to the coast. Anywho, we arrived safely this morning in two groups; we each traveled with a family member so we were fine the whole way. We met up with two other family members, Diego and Alvaro, in Atacames and we took a truck back to Bunche. It rained for the whole 45 min truck ride, so we were all a little bit wet, but it was all good! We went into Bunche after the rain had stopped. We all couldn't wait to see the kids, and that is exactly what we did. They have all grown so much, but of course remember us still. Erin got to see her favorite kids too today which made her day. We returned to the house for a lunch of a seafood paella-like mix and fresh pineapple juice. Then we relaxed/rested for a little while, I sent updates/emails to the soon-to-arrive students and then we returned to Bunche until sundown. Everyone is prepping for the New Years, so you are bound to see photos/hear stories. After a dinner of beef/beans/rice and fresh maracuya (passion fruit) juice, the ladies began practicing/warming up their dancing moves and I am updating this. I have a feeling tomorrow will be a bit slower of a day seeing its NYE, but we will see.
The weather today was rain until about 9ish and then the sun came out and was great all day.
The attached photo for today is a view from my window that overlooks a shrimp pool on the reserve in which we are staying. I didn't have my phone in Bunche, so that one will have to wait. Until tomorrow, (or Sat) have a good one and I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Years!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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